Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sounds like you're ready for change!

You may remember the communications survey that was sent out a couple of months back. No? Well, there was one that just over 600 of our members filled out and we took notes. The feedback we received has been solid gold so without wasting any time, we want to start implementing your ideas right away!

The survey found that 95% of you prefer to be communicated with by email. That is a relief because about 95% of our communications are by email! We found that a majority of the survey applicants always read our Newsletter 45%, MLS login page 36%, and dedicated event emails 48%.

Most of you (52%) would like to be emailed once per week. One member suggested: “Once a week. maybe news and bulletins could be combined into one weekly email, unless an important announcement or deadline came up.” Great idea! We heard this more than once - and we are listening!

Respondents suggested that emails sent on a Friday are often overlooked and that emails sent early to mid-week have the best chance of being seen. Also, a majority stated that the communications would be read more if they were shorter in length (47%) and contained a combination of information (news, info, deadlines, bulletins, etc). See what I mean about great ideas?

A majority of you are very interested information concerning CE classes (75%), 62% are somewhat interested in GHAR events and 51% are very interested in information about technology. One suggested that we provide more printable tools to share like facts, numbers and graphs. Most of you prefer to read summarized information because there just isn’t enough time in the day!

The Result
So, having read through hundreds of comments and suggestions, we are ready to heed your wishes. It appears you would like emails to be short, to the point, and once per week. This plan is already set in motion and will continue to evolve over time as we update our website to accommodate all of these changes. Our current Newsletter (REALsTORy) will be sent once per week, instead of both the eNews and newsletter. The June issue will be the last newsletter as you know it now. The new one will be a combination of everything you need to know - all in one place! Just imagine!

Our email design will ultimately reflect our new website design - easy to navigate and easy to read. Oh, and did we mention that we're working on a new logo, too? Lots of changes coming but from what I've read, you're ready! Do you like these ideas? Do you hate them? Please let me know! Keara Langston ( or call 860.561.1800).

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